Having a Baby is Exciting and Terrifying!

I get it! I often joke that we need a user manual rather than a placenta. Since we really do need that placenta, I will be that user manual for you. I will share pediatrician approved information, techniques and resources so that it's like having a pediatrician in your pocket. The first few months are unique. You are learning about your baby and about being a parent. I am here to lend an understanding and experienced hand so that you will grow confident and enjoy this new journey.

Why buy this course?

How much more confident would you feel if

  • You new the normal developmental changes to expect
  • You felt more confident in feeding your baby
  • You understood why your baby is gassy and what to do about it
  • You were comfortable with some of the odd things newborns do normally
  • You had additional trusted resources at your fingertips

About me

Hi, I'm Natalie Teng, MD. I have been a pediatrician for over 2 decades and a mom of 3 for almost as long. I have spent endless hours nurturing new parents in their first steps of parenting while also having experienced the many challenges parents face myself as a mother.

My approach is a combination of education and understanding. I feel that when we have basic information as parents, we can feel more confident in how our child is growing and developing as well as our ability as a parent. I also give you permission to explore different parenting styles and techniques to find what works best for you and your famiily.

I love being a mother and also recognize how insecure we can feel as parents sometimes. I am here to hold your hand during this journey!

The Curriculum:

This mini course is designed so that the information is effective and easy to understand.

  • There are 7 modules with 3-5 lessons per module
  • You complete this at your own pass or you can complete the entire course in under an hour.
  • You will have several quick links at the end of the course to explore trusted sites in areas that you might want more information about
  • Life time access
  • You will be the first to know when knew courses are available

If you purchase during the presale period, you will also be able to submit your own questions and wish list items so that the course is even more tailored to what you need!

How it works

Buy now at special presale pricing and get access to your course on Monday, May 13, 2024

You will get an email notification when the course is available and how to access the course.

Don't forget to submit your own questions and wish list items before I launch the course! (You will receive access to the link once you purchase)